SON-SHINE Outreach Center
We help people in need regardless of race,
sex, social or natural origin, or religious
SON-SHINE Outreach Center is a not for
profit entity and was founded in 2009 by
concerned community leaders who saw far
too few services available in our
community for those losing their jobs and
Help Line: (936) 348-5282
Resale Shop
Food Pantry
Prescription Help
Utility Assistance
This is available to clients in our service area who
have had a fire, flood or other disaster that caused
loss of clothing. School aged children are able to get
clothing twice per year with a statement of need
from the school.
Food Pantry available Tue, Wed, Thurs 9-12 am and 1-
4 pm. Clients must have a current picture ID with
address in service area. Clients may visit once every
thirty days. Available food is all shelf stable. Food
donations are always welcome.
Assistance is available to clients in our service area
who have had a fire, flood or other disaster that
cause loss of household items.
Clients fleeing domestic violence situations may also
Service is available in our service area twice per year.
Prescriptions must be filled at Madisonville Brookshire
pharmacies. Clients must bring medicine print out with
driver’s license, social security card and proof of entire
household income. We do not allow prescriptions for
pain meds or anti-depressants.
Rent Assistance
Clothing Assistance
Household Help
This is available to clients in our service area only
one time. Client must be employed. Landlord must
be willing to accept payment from us and the client
must bring driver’s license and all contact
information for landlord.
We offer many clothing items as well as furniture and
many assorted household items. We provide a hand
up, not just a handout.
Assistance is available to clients in our service area
twice per year for a maximum of 4 times. Service must
not be disconnected. Assistance is provided by
appointment only. Clients must bring bill, driver’s
license, social security card and proof of entire
household income.
Son-Shine Outreach Center is a crisis intervention center.
We are an immediate solution not a long-term solution.
Facts surrounding each client’s case are considered when
providing services.
We can do gas assistance if a person is stranded or
needing immediate medical attention, bus ticket if
someone is stranded without transportation, x-rays,
glasses or other medical things based on the individual
situation. If you find yourself in our service area in a
crisis situation with no one or nowhere else to turn come
here, and we may be able to help.
Our service area is Madison County, Bedias,
Iola, Leona, Normangee and Centerville and
clients physical address must be in our service
area. Financial eligibility to receive services is
based on Texas State Poverty Schedule.
How We Help